Welcome to your Free Mini Refresh

Day 5 is unlocked ⤵️👀

Watch your daily videos here⇣

A letter from Beth,

Hey, you, I know that it’s hard to keep up with all.the.things.

Even a 5 day challenge filled with small “doable” action prompts can feel overwhelming when you’ve got 100 other competing priorities.


And that’s why you need to check out the full course, The Refresh -- it's slower and steadier than these 5 days. You probably felt a rush of excitement at the beginning of this because, hey, it's something new.  And new is exciting!  But guess what, you and I both know that the excitement can wear off quickly, leaving your wellness program as just one more thing taking up space on your to do list.


I've seen this happen with my Refresh members soooo many times.


And that's why when you join The Refresh you'll get reminded, over and over again, that it is the very act of returning to the course, over and over again, that helps you build the "muscle memory" of how good it can feel when you reset, refresh and refocus on your goals.


You shouldn't expect yourself to be perfectly on track with your wellness plan every single minute of your life, that wouldn't be realistic. What you should expect of yourself is to be open to refocusing. The more often that you are called to refocus, the more you are strengthening the muscles that make up your healthy autopilot.


If you've been wondering if The Refresh is right for you. Take a moment to read through this list and see how it resonates with you:


In the 6 month Refresh program you’ll:

>> Have TIME. I expect that some weeks you’ll be all-in while others you’ll be focused elsewhere.

>> Have SUPPORT. And plenty of accountability from Beth and in your group chat.

>> Have BITE SIZED EDUCATION. Learn about nutrition, fitness and mindset in short (<4 minute) videos that are offered to you at your own pace.

>> Have tons of USEFUL TOOLS. Grocery lists, easy recipes, snack ideas, meal ideas, quickie workouts you can do with baby, toddler or your own body weight.

>> Have ACCESS. See Beth in monthly private office hours sessions and in your DMs.

>> Have SOLUTIONS for your whole family. Dinner ideas, picky eater solutions and more.


I’d love to invite you to join The Refresh with a special discount code that I created just for participants of the 5 day Refresh.

Join now with the code 100OFF.